Reflections of Creation

One of the greatest things that God has given humans is the ability to see beauty in the world around us. I have never noticed my dog stop and stare at the beauty of a forest or the incredible colors of a sunset, but these things have the ability to stop me in my tracks in wonder and awe. This website is my attempt to capture some of the beauty and glory of an indescribable God by capturing reflections of Him that I see in His creation.


fort worth nature center

The scan is bad, but you can get a feel for what the picture looks like. The picture is much better than this scan from our $29 all-in-one printer, scanner and copier. I can't imagine why we don't get good scans out of a high quality machine like that!

7 responses

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  • Christi said so, on

    but is it an hp? I love hp's for's not so much! But you're right, you can still see that it's a great photo! smiles...

  • Dave said so, on

    No, it's a Dell. I used to have an HP standalone scanner and it did a much better job of scanning. I gave it away when we got this Dell one. I actually have another standalone HP up at the office, but I hardly use it and I've never scanned photographs with it. I bet it does a better job than this one at home.

    Thinking about scanning makes me very happy that Alison and I are now part of the digital slr world. Our cheap but good digital camera broke in January while at a youth event with our teenagers. With our Alaskan cruise coming up, we decided that we would rather buy a Canon digital slr camera for $300 than use our film camera and pay about $150-200 for all of the film and developing (it cost us about $135 in film and developing on our last vacation). So, we felt it was worth the cost in the long term.

    That's why you are seeing some more creative things in the last three weeks. I could not have a long enough exposure to do the "Jesus love you" painting with light kind of things with the point and shoot digital. The star trails pictures are also something that you cannot do with a basic point and shoot digital camera. And I'm way too cheap to experiment with film because that would cost a fortune.

    Can you tell I'm still excited about having this new camera?

  • Dave said so, on

    Actually, I do plan on trying my work scanner sometime because I have some great pictures that I cannot get to scan well that I really want to put up here sometime.

  • Alison Bryant said so, on

    Ahhhh...I miss the FW Nature Center. This photo does a good job of capturing the intimate feel of this expansive place (that made sense in my head).
    I'm glad you're our official cruise photographer. Maybe we need to get you a white uniform and hat, along with a spot in the opening credits of "The Love Boat." Can you do the double point-and-smile thing like Isaac?

  • Dave said so, on

    Ali, I hearby bequeath the "official cruise photographer" status to you. After all, you want pictures with people in them right?

    I can't wait to see you in that white uniform doing the double point Isaac salute.

  • Christi said so, on

    ewww, no uniform-fantasy posting in the blog comments. TMI! Save that for real talk at home... :p

    I am super-jealous of the new camera...I hate my camera and would have been soooo much better off saving and putting it towards a Canon, but it was 2 weeks before Christmas...what was a girl to do...

  • Dave said so, on

    Man, I never thought anyone would accuse me of even remotely having fantasies involving Isaac from the Love Boat, no matter how indirectly he's involved. What's happened to this conversation?!


the most important part of this website

I enjoy photography and I always find myself wanting more time to be outside with a camera. The idea of posting my pictures was born out of the love for my wife, Alison (, who hates it when I do not take my days off. This website, reflections of creation, is a way to force me to get out of the office from time to time and putting me outside where I love to be. While a creative outlet for me, I hope this is an encouraging site for you, and one which helps point you to the Creator of all this beauty around us. God is so much bigger and amazing than we could ever imagine, and He loves you and me! What an amazing thought! He loves us so much that He was even willing to let His son, Jesus, die as a sacrifice for us. That fact is more beautiful than any picture you will see on this website. I hope you know Jesus, but if you do not, please email me or go to Thanks again for coming and stop by again soon.

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