suprise! It's a bradford pear tree again - keychain camera shot
Stamped: Thursday, November 04, 2010
One of the greatest things that God has given humans is the ability to see beauty in the world around us. I have never noticed my dog stop and stare at the beauty of a forest or the incredible colors of a sunset, but these things have the ability to stop me in my tracks in wonder and awe. This website is my attempt to capture some of the beauty and glory of an indescribable God by capturing reflections of Him that I see in His creation.
Love those "keychain camera shots!"
very cool. I like the way that the trunk is out of focus but the leaves are in focus. I know that you don't have any control over that, but it is cool anyway! smiles...
Well, I knew the focus would work that way, so the picture was planned the way it came out. And there actually is a tiny little focus to switch from close up to further away. It doesn't really do much though.