A few months ago, a friend and I were having a talk about totem poles. These things have always fascinated me, and it was nice to see some in person this last year when we went up to Alaska. I kept babbling on about how much I loved getting to see totem poles when my friend said a quick little comment that made me fell horrible about being excited about totem poles.
"It's too bad that they're false idols."
False idols. While he didn't mean I was being a moron, I sure felt like one. That's because he's right. This particular totem pole tells the story about the creation of salmon. While I have no idea if this talented carver actually believes in the story he reproduced in totem form, I know there are many who do. And there are far more who are searching for the truth.
There is so much evidence for a Creator that we cannot ignore it. There is one God who created salmon and that same God also created you. The God who threw the stars into place also knows how many hairs are on your head. The God that created weather patterns also puts you in places where you can be touched by and touch other people. The God that inspired someone to create spray cheese also has a plan for your life. And that's a cool thought.
a ketchikan totem
Stamped: Tuesday, January 20, 2009
preach it, bro! :) well said. and, i love the reference to God inspiring the creation of 'spray cheese'!!! :)
lovely photo, though...
Ditto, Sharily. How often do we really let ourselves understand God in the everyday and not just higher theological terms.