Reflections of Creation

One of the greatest things that God has given humans is the ability to see beauty in the world around us. I have never noticed my dog stop and stare at the beauty of a forest or the incredible colors of a sunset, but these things have the ability to stop me in my tracks in wonder and awe. This website is my attempt to capture some of the beauty and glory of an indescribable God by capturing reflections of Him that I see in His creation.


post #250

Since you guys seem to like the flower fandango pictures, I thought I'd post another one. This will probably be the last with these flowers (maybe one more post). And since today makes the 250th post, I thought I'd include something different: a picture of me taking the picture you see here. Weird huh?


4 responses

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  • Dave said so, on

    Here's a quick little technical description of why this shot and the one from two days ago look different.

    In today's shot, all of the flowers are in focus and you can see the sidewalk in the background better (even though it is still in a dark shadow). This one was taken at f8 so that hopefully all of the flowers would be in focus, and the exposure time was 1/240th of a second.

    By contrast, the one from two days ago, which you all loved, was taken at f1.8. This allows only the front flower to be in focus while heavily blurring the flowers in the background. The exposure time was 1/4000th of a second (the fastest my camera can go). This meant that the flowers in full sun were bright while the sidewalk and background, which are in a dark shadow, are very dark. That fast exposure did not allow enough time for the dark background to show up in the picture. If I took an slower exposure time of something like 1/1000th of a second, you would be able to see more of the background (like you can in today's picture).

    These pictures only worked because of the bright sun on the flowers coupled with the dark shadows on everything in the background. Make sense?

  • Christi said so, on

    Makes perfect sense...thank you for the explanation! This one is gorgeous too, but I just love the other one!

    Congrats on the 250th post...I like the shot of you too, but you didn't give photo credits for that one...or did you set up a tripod to get it... smiles...

  • Anonymous said so, on

    Great pictures! I'm glad you submitted contest pics -- you love photography & it shows in your pictures. Congratulations on your 250th post -- we have enjoyed following along!

  • Anonymous said so, on

    Sorry about not giving credit on the other one. The thought of me willingly having my picture taken is kind of funny; I hate having my picture taken. These were taken last month while we were at Glorieta, and Alison took the portrait one. I had no idea she did until a couple of weeks ago when I was looking through her camera.


the most important part of this website

I enjoy photography and I always find myself wanting more time to be outside with a camera. The idea of posting my pictures was born out of the love for my wife, Alison (, who hates it when I do not take my days off. This website, reflections of creation, is a way to force me to get out of the office from time to time and putting me outside where I love to be. While a creative outlet for me, I hope this is an encouraging site for you, and one which helps point you to the Creator of all this beauty around us. God is so much bigger and amazing than we could ever imagine, and He loves you and me! What an amazing thought! He loves us so much that He was even willing to let His son, Jesus, die as a sacrifice for us. That fact is more beautiful than any picture you will see on this website. I hope you know Jesus, but if you do not, please email me or go to Thanks again for coming and stop by again soon.

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