Reflections of Creation

One of the greatest things that God has given humans is the ability to see beauty in the world around us. I have never noticed my dog stop and stare at the beauty of a forest or the incredible colors of a sunset, but these things have the ability to stop me in my tracks in wonder and awe. This website is my attempt to capture some of the beauty and glory of an indescribable God by capturing reflections of Him that I see in His creation.


bluebonnets in grey

I love great photography. While in Albuquerque a couple of weeks ago, I got the chance to see some great photography at their museum. I also got to see a half dozen shots at the Rio Grande Nature Center by one my favorite photographers, Laura Gilpin. The work that she, Eliot Porter and Ansel Adams could do in a day and age without photoshop is amazing. I do not like altering my photographs because then I am afraid that I will become a lazy photographer and not get better because I can fix my problems later using software. Keep in mind that I do not mind people altering their photos, but I am just an amateur with a photography hobby and as such do not want to alter my pictures (although most of them would look much better). If I was selling pictures, then I'd definitely be altering them.

(I mentioned Eliot Porter because he is one of my favorite photographers, although I debated about including him. He started taking color photographs in the late 30s, and he loved using the dye transfer process of printing his photographs. I do not know a lot about his personal developing, but I do understand that you could tweak your colors quite a bit and get an incredible richness using the dye transfer process. You really should check out his Glen Canyon pictures by going here. They really look better in person.)

I obviously altered this one (well, duh), but I wanted to see what this picture would look like. This literally took 30 seconds because all I did was desaturate all of the colors except for blue. I'll put up the original tomorrow (and try to always let you know when I put up an altered picture).

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the most important part of this website

I enjoy photography and I always find myself wanting more time to be outside with a camera. The idea of posting my pictures was born out of the love for my wife, Alison (, who hates it when I do not take my days off. This website, reflections of creation, is a way to force me to get out of the office from time to time and putting me outside where I love to be. While a creative outlet for me, I hope this is an encouraging site for you, and one which helps point you to the Creator of all this beauty around us. God is so much bigger and amazing than we could ever imagine, and He loves you and me! What an amazing thought! He loves us so much that He was even willing to let His son, Jesus, die as a sacrifice for us. That fact is more beautiful than any picture you will see on this website. I hope you know Jesus, but if you do not, please email me or go to Thanks again for coming and stop by again soon.

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