One of the greatest things that God has given humans is the ability to see beauty in the world around us. I have never noticed my dog stop and stare at the beauty of a forest or the incredible colors of a sunset, but these things have the ability to stop me in my tracks in wonder and awe. This website is my attempt to capture some of the beauty and glory of an indescribable God by capturing reflections of Him that I see in His creation.
Wow! Just gorgeous!
This was one of my favorite days during our trip to England. Cambridge was a fascinating city and its fall colors were at their peak. I remember you had lots of photo ops there.
well, i can't the roll of film i took in cambridge, so we may not see any more pictures from there. i do know where an amazing shot of a couple punting is, so i could scan that one. it's probably my second favorite picture ever. plus, it's got a really funny story that goes along with it.